Wednesday, September 16, 2015

About Me

Hello, my name is Harrison George and I am a junior at Back Bay High School.  This is my first year attending this school and I'm already excited for what this school will offer me.  I was born and raised here in California, however I spent my first year alive living in Luxemburg.  If you don't know where that is, it is a small country in Europe (about the size of L.A.).  My dad always would tell me that when I was first learning to speak that it was in German. This was because I was watching Sponge Bob in German.

You might be asking me, do you still speak German? The answer is NEIN! Side-note: I've been trying to take some German classes outside, so someday I might. So since I this is my first year here at Back Bay, you probably want to know where I came from. From middle school to a quarter of my sophomore year I attended Costa Mesa High School.  I don't know if people still have hobbies, but I have managed to keep up with a few.  I know this may sound childish, but I still play with Lego.  I seriously don't care about sharing this because I believe once in awhile you have to entertain that child inside of us (FYI there is no literal child living in you, unless you are pregnant).  Also, I try to keep up with drawing when I can.  To be honest with you I don't really consider this a hobby, more of a way to express my thoughts and emotions.  I kinda feel like you shouldn't judge your art solely on the purpose of it looking beautiful, because we all see and think about things differently, but on all of the emotions and ideas that were conveyed by the artist.

This year I have some goals while I attend this school.  For example I would really love to graduate this year.  Ultimately I would like to make sure I can get all my credits caught up as well as grades.  Another is make it to everyday of school and be punctual to all my classes.

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